The Journey

April 2011:
4-5-11 First RE appointment
4-22-11 BFP!!!!!!!!!!

March 2011:
Clomid Round 3, 100mg, CD5-9
P4 draw @ 7dpo:  34.5

February 2011: 
Clomid Round 2, 50mg, CD5-9
p4 draw @ 7dpo: 48.5

January 2011:
A brand new year, a brand new start.
Clomid, 50mg, CD5-9
Progsterone draw @ 7dpo: 41

December 2010:
Figuring out whether I'm going to ovulate or not
37 day cycle from hell

November 2010
Results of SA: normal
11-10-10 BFP
11-11-10 First Beta: 19
11-13-10 2nd Beta: 56
11-20-10 miscarriage
11-22-10 3rd Beta: 3

October 2010:
First visit with OB to discuss lack of progress, b/w, SA

June 2010
Began charting

May 2010:
Quit taking birth control