Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally Friday

Why is it that the "short" weeks seemed longer than the "normal" weeks???? I was so glad to see Friday. I sure did enjoy my snow days, and it sure did suck to have to go back.

I did finally ovulate and it seems like it was good timing! I can definitely tell a difference in my post-O temps this cycle. They've been higher than my post-o temps in any other cycle. I'm quite sure that the Clomid had something to do with that. I scheduled my CD21/7dpo bloodwork for Monday morning, so I'm anxious to see what the results of that are. The nurse said that it will tell us if I ovulated. I don't quite understand how it all works.

Monday will also mark the half way point until AF is scheduled to show up. I'm hoping she doesn't show up!

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