What a perfect day we've had! Sleet started coming down as I was on my way to Sunday school. After Sunday, hubby called to say that church had been cancelled, so our after church lunch with his family had been moved up. Ate lunch with my in-laws then went home and got cozy! Put on flannel pjs, built a roaring fire, brewed some donut shoppe coffee with the Keurig, got the flannel blankie, snuggled on the couch with the dog and the hubby, did a little baby dance, watched a movie, and fixed a yummy pot of chili for supper!! I got word that school for me tomorrow is CANCELLED! Awesome! But it comes at a price...I will no longer get MLK day as a holiday. Oh well. You win some, you lose some! The sleet did finally change over to snow, although by the time it did, it was pretty much dark outside.
Still no positive OPK, but I think that maybe I might have missed my surge. Before my BFP in Oct, I always had 2 days of pos OPKs. I only tested once a day though, so if I had a short surge at night I wouldn't have caught it. If I have another high temp tomorrow FF will prob give me cross hairs. I think I'll do another OPK tomorrow out of curiosity though. If I do get my cross hairs, then it's on to another two week wait. And some 7 dpo bloodwork to see if the Clomid was my friend or not!
Really looking forward to my "free" day tomorrow, although I wish M would be home with me. He still has to go in to work. :-( I plan to spend most of my day working on my medical transcription class so I can hurry up and finish!!!
Just wanted to share a pic of my sweet little Pedro enjoying his snow day. :-)
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