Thursday, December 2, 2010

Will I or will I won't?'s getting close to ovulation time...and I have no clue how close it is since I decided not to use the OPKs this cycle. I've read that some people ovulate the cycle of their miscarriage and some don't. Plus, I told myself that we aren't really trying as hard this cycle...just trying to make it through to the fresh new cycle so I can start the Clomid. Who am I kidding??? Of course we're trying this cycle. Even though I'm not doing OPKs, I'm still figuring in my head when O time should be. And we're still BDing (translation for Halee: Baby Dancing aka SEX!) at the appropriate time. And I'm temping, so when (IF) I get a confirmed temp shift, I'll be figuring if we BD at a good time. And then the 2ww (2 week wait) will begin and I will imagine every symptom in the book. :-) a distraction I am going to participate in Reverb 10. (Halee, you should check it out...right up your alley!) I actually should have started yesterday, so I have some catching up to do.

December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
2010: Marriage: This past year for me has been all about marriage! The first part of the year was spent planning for the upcoming wedding, then actually getting married, then the honeymoon. And after that big whirlwind was past it was about the every day ins and outs of marriage. Like learning to deal with snoring, toilet seats left up, dirty clothes on the floor, no clean forks, deciding how to divide time at the holidays, and just learning to mesh two lives in general. It's been a great year. :-) I love my husband. I love being married to him. I am so glad that my long broken road has led me stright to him.

2011: Babies. This next year for us is going to be about babies. I am confident that at some point during the upcoming year, I will be giving birth to a beautiful, healthy baby. Twins if I'm lucky. We started our TTC journy during this year, but next year is our year. I just feel it.

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